Monday, 26 July 2021

Aulora Socks

#AuloraSocks 😍
这价格应该很多人都负担得起 😊
穿着上班,穿着睡觉,健康永远跟随你 😘
最重要是穿几天都不会臭 🤭🤭

脚底有 60 多个穴位,被称为人体"第二心脏"。在冬天,通络袜脚可以快速地让腿脚暖起来,促进血液循环、延缓衰老。

#通络又养生还保暖的 #AuloraSocksWithKodenshi 是你最佳选择...





Aulora Socks with Kodenshi:
Suitable for people with #FlatFeet

Aulora Socks 🧦 🧦 🧦
🧦光电子纤维Kodenshi Fibre
🧦释放远红外线Far Infrared Absorption
🧦促进足部血液循环Increase Blood Circulation
🧦减轻足部疲劳Reduce foot tiredness
🧦舒适高效透气Comfortable & Airy
🧦对脚弓部分支撑设计Support Foot Arch
🧦消除水肿问题Reduce Water Retention
🧦独特施压点编制Unique Stretching & tightening effect

    还是没有你要的效果,你会选择继续吃一辈子的药?.... 还是选择我们家aulora socks?


#AuloraSocks 😍
This price should be affordable by many people 😊
Dress to work, dress to sleep, health will always follow you 😘
The most important thing is to wear it for a few days without smelling 🤭🤭

There are more than 60 acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, which are called the "second heart" of the human body.  In winter, Tongluo socks can quickly warm up the legs and feet, promote blood circulation and delay aging.
Put on socks before going to bed at night to help sleep.

#通络又养生还保暖的#AuloraSocksWithKodenshi is your best choice...

🙋Don’t know...,
#Other benefits of wearing socks to sleep:

💁#Prevent menopausal hot flashes:
Many menopausal women will experience hot flushes. Symptoms include: sudden body heat, night sweats, heart palpitations, and blushing.  The medical profession believes that the hot flashes are caused by hormonal imbalance during menopause, which affects the body's temperature control.

Putting on socks to sleep can lower the core body temperature at night and improve the symptoms of hot flashes.

💃Suitable for foot surgery
  👉Icy feet
  👉 Edema
  👉 Easy to cramp
  👉 Poor blood circulation
  👉foot pain

Aulora Socks with Kodenshi:
#Flat-footed people wear it well
Suitable for people with #FlatFeet

Aulora Socks 🧦 🧦 🧦
🧦Kodenshi Fibre
🧦Release Far Infrared Absorption
🧦Increase Blood Circulation
🧦Reduce foot tiredness
🧦Comfortable & Airy
🧦Support Foot Arch
🧦Reduce Water Retention
🧦Unique Stretching & tightening effect

🌸If you see many doctors and take countless medicines
     Still do not have the effect you want, would you choose to continue taking the medicine for a lifetime?  .... Or choose our aulora socks?

#The decision is yours
#Health is going backwards every day
#Love yourself love parents
#Welcome to PM me

For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Saturday, 17 July 2021


Thank you Karen Tan  sharing about her sister Xiang

2019年12月15日, 在没有 太多的征兆 的情况下,  香香 深夜时分  在家中突然 感到很 异常的昏晕, 和 很快的麻痹,   她立刻 感知 她有要中风的 疑向;  当时 就被家人 紧急送往  医院。

专科医生先生为她诊断 :急突发 脑溢血,并立即进行了机密紧急 开头颅手术,试图 急救她的 突发急现 中风诊伤  以免于 她可以会立即死亡.

6-7 小时 手术后 香香 处在昏迷状况。  在重症监护室 ICU 接受观察治疗。
咱们也立即开始启用 SHIRUTO , 我们将 SHIRUTO 与 50 毫克DISTILLED WATER净水混合,每1 次 与她 的 营养素 一起 管饲 TUBE-FEEDING, 每1天 4次。  
在那时,香香 还是 处在“沉睡” 昏迷状况中   COMA 。
可喜   那个结果  RESULT  还好  也令人可以说 : 非常满意:患者她  在第3天  服食后 从  昏迷中醒过来了。

第7天,奇迹出现了, 香香 微弱地 摸了摸 我的手,睁开她那 微弱的双眼,深情看着我在 表示: “姐姐,我回来了,我会没事的”。    我即时欣喜若狂,感触 泪流……医疗队也为她的回醒感到惊讶……    

香香 一天一天的 拥抱着  康复的道路,很快就在第11天下午,专家顾问医生 医疗队  为她撤开了  完整的 生命支持系统  LIFE  SUPPORT  SYSTEM,让她自己能够自行呼吸。 
我当时  是有  察觉到  她并没有太多Yii余痰 的   1个  非常好的现象,  可以 顺畅的  自行呼吸 , 那就是说,SHIRUTO  也修护了  她的肺器官功能

Without much signs, Xiang2 had a deadly cerebral haemorrhage stroke late night at home, rushed to KPJ hospital,  Specialist Surgeon Mr.Sofan diagnosed her and conducted a classified emergency open skull operation to try to save her hairline scratch from instant death.  
Xiang2 was treated at intensive ICU and had been in coma for few days.
There was much an exciting and challenging experience to hv daringly induce SHIRUTO @8 sachets commenced the 4th day evening.    We mixed the SHIRUTO with 50mg water and fed into Xiang2 tube feeding 4X daily along with her Ensure nutrition.    At that time, Xiang2 was still kept in her "deep sleep".    
Darryl & Sharon grab another set 16+3 SHIRUTO , and ZENCOSO  couriered down to KK for Xiang2’s continuous intake needs.
After the decision to feed Xiang2 with Shiruto,  it has given excellent satisfactory results :  she waken from coma the 3rd day later.   

Xiang2 has drastic reaction upon her 1st induce of SHIRUTO.    The Reaction of this deep-asleep patient was vast :  BP shot up 235/165, temp was up 39+C – 40.6C... She practically was having body heaty and sweaty.
Having this situation,  again  I fell into hesitant on the effectiveness of Shiruto  + Zencoso  has activated appropriately her self-immune-system,  the macrophage,  and it was conducting the required repair & revive and the cause to save my sister......
On the 7th day, Xiang2 weakly touched my hand, opened her eyes, weakly she gave me the sight of : “Jie-jie, I am back & I am ok…” …..I was flush with joy and tears….. and the medical team were amaze for her returns too…     The life record :-  day-by-day Xiang2 went on the path to her recovery, and soon on the 11th day afternoon she was fit enough to be off from her full life-support system, and good sign of her able to breathe herself  and was without much phlegm .
My thoughts & aim :-   no body would want to entrust n gamble on 1's beloved life with an unknown products....   especially when in my Xiang2 case,  the Surgeon n Drs.  had told me to be prepared and to expect possibily less than 35% on her ever wakeup n possibly a full vegetable....    I  research indepth on products contains & make...@conciously taken decision n steps to save my girl....  the product SHIRUTO & ZENCOSO had proved its ability to gear up the Immune system in its very much technical manner, it repairs and replenish.


For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Thursday, 15 July 2021


嘴唇裂开,用过很多产品,吃了很多药都无法改善这个问题?很痛苦吧...... 但是,我有办法 😊




For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Tuesday, 13 July 2021



BElixz Maqnifiq Collagen Peptide
肌肤保养新体验 ~ 很多人为了护肤,使命的往皮肤上涂涂抹抹,治标不治本,忘了往体内“灌溉”,让身体从内到外的调理、提升~



Maqnifiq 胶原蛋白肽+补水保湿+隔离防晒




For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Friday, 9 July 2021

Aulora Pants

❤️感谢Shiau Feng 见证分享❤️

Aulora Kodenshi Pants, 你实在太神奇了。


但是我三姐一直不放弃的每隔几天就发我一些见证,劝我试试Aulora pants ,就这样,我2/12/2019 量身,9/12/2019一买到当晚就开始穿了。

早晚都会穿,解决了我腰酸背痛的问题。长时间坐在office, 轮流抱抱两个宝贝,常常会腰酸背痛。

穿了大约三个月了, 对比一下发现真的有帮到我的脊椎问题,不那么S。而且水肿在一月份也解决了,(骨盆从94cm 小到85cm)。真的没想到我还有机会穿回S Size 。太开心了。

我本身出生以来,脊椎骨就是S Shape, 那是在在20岁,上大学前做身体检查时发现,医生说这是从小就有的,医生说如果做手术风险非常高,只有50%, 不顺利的话就是一辈子坐轮椅了。


BE Founders带来这么棒的产品

❤️Thank you Shiau Feng for sharing your testimony ❤️

Aulora Kodenshi Pants, you are amazing.

I still remember that my third sister kept asking me to wear it, saying that it could improve the S-shape of the spine.  At first, I rejected the third sister directly.

But my third sister has never given up and sent me some testimonials every few days, persuading me to try Aulora pants, just like that, I bought it on 2/12/2019, and started wearing it on 9/12/2019 as soon as I bought it.  .

I wear it in the morning and evening, which solved my backache problem.  Sitting in the office for a long time, holding two babies , often suffers from backaches.

After wearing it for about three months, I found it really helped my spine problems by comparison, not so S.  And the water retention was resolved in January (the pelvis was from 94cm to 85cm).  I really didn't expect that I would still have a chance to wear S Size back.  so happy.

Since I was born, my spine has been S Shape. It was discovered when I was 20 years old and had a physical examination before going to university. The doctor said it was there since I was a child. The doctor said that the risk of surgery is very high, only 50%, and it’s not going well.  If you are in a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

Now I have the courage to wear tight skirts occasionally.

BE Founders brings such a great product
There is also a strong recommendation from my third sister.
For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

aulora pants

大家好,我要跟大家分享这条神奇的裤。为什么要说是神奇呢!这受伤的手是我本人的,在3个月前就是在浴室里帮儿子冲凉的时候滑倒了😭吓到我儿子大喊...妈咪的手流血了。其实我还不知道伤口这样严重的,就赶快去医疗所了。医生检查了说不能缝针要等伤口慢慢长肉😮😮。医生跟我说伤口是一寸将深护士帮我洗了伤口包扎了回家就去睡觉。躺在床上才想到忘记吃止痛药 整个晚上我的手痛到不能睡不知道要把手放在哪里好。第二天我的上线Sharon 对我说你还不快点把Aulora pants 穿在手上给它血液循环。我就把穿在手啦到手臂上,去睡觉。早上起来都不知道我的整只手放在那里了感很轻了。是不是很神奇叻!

For more information.
Please contact Bobo at